Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Well some of my Scientology friends have their own blogs and there are a few I haven't mentioned before:

Mike B has this one: Church of Scientology on Blogdrive he also has a cute new one AOSHEU

Lindy has this one: nodrugs on blogdrive

Jeanne just has her own name jbasoon

and of course there,s the Dianetics Blogspot and Scientologist Blogspot (Oops -- they're mine!)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Tom Cruise Attending Grand Opening of Church of Scientology of Spain

I just heard that Tom Cruise is going to attend the grand opening of the Church of Scientology of Madrid on the 18th of September.

There's more information at the web site of the church.

Wouldn't I LOVE to go to that grand opening!

For my Spanish friends: Tom Cruise va a estar en la apertura de la nueva Sede de la Iglesia de Cienciología en España en Madrid que será el próximo 18 de septiembre de 2004 a las 4:30 de la tarde.

Recursos de Web Sites de Cienciología

Asociación Civil de Dianética de Madrid - Global Locator for Scientology Organizations
Directorio > Sociedad > Religión y espiritualidad > Prácticas y creencias > Cienciologúa

Monday, September 06, 2004

Some of my friends have their own blogs and among my favorite ones are:

The David Miscavige blog (lots of information about Mr. Miscavige - one of my favorite people. I go to every Scientology event as Mr. Miscavige often emcee's them and briefs all Scientologists about the news of the expansion of our religion.
Pflanzenblog This is the blog of a Swiss friend. I can't read German but she often posts in English too, and I like to keep up with what she posts because I often find sites and news I hadn't seen before.
Besser Leben This is another blog from my same Swiss friend.
Welcome to My World and ( her first posting) Now Jeannie is a very close friend of mine and I like the way she presents her blog. I often find she'll give a new perspective on something and I agree with much of what she says.

Nej Till Droger (No Drugs)I'm not sure what Scandinavian language this is. I think it's Swedish. I'm all for anyone who is against drugs, and has solutions to help people stay off and get off.
Beautiful England I spent some time in England and took some Scientology courses there so I enjoy visiting this blog. This coming October - only a month away - the 24th anniversary of the International Association of Scientologists will be held in England and will be emcee'ed by David Miscavige. This may be my favorite of all the yearly Scientology events.

And here are some more I don't visit quite as often, but I try to make my way to them whenever I can:
Scientology and my Children
Gopod News blog
Alpen Fun
New Mexico Girl
Home School Mum
Heros of our Time
The Dianetics Blog

My Clearwater Blog is by a friend I've known for quite some time (here's a secret about Grace - she doesn't actually live in Clearwater any more.) I especially like a recent post of hers about David Miscavige.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

I have Scientology friends all around the world. Being an international organization there are lots of opportunities to meet new friend and find out about other parts of the world.

For example, we have a large Spanish speaking community and so a number of Church of Scientology International web sites are also done in Spanish. I thought I'd show you some:

Italian Scientology Links

Offical Scientology Website for Mexico

An Index for Spanish speaking countries.

Some downloadable versions of a new magazine:

Effective Drug Solutions - Spanish

Effective Education - Russian

Helping the Community - Russian

and a Hungarian site on Scientology Theology

Another site with all of the Scientology organizations in Russian, including the Church of Scientology Madrid, Spain.